Welcome to the private Constituent Hub – Dexko page. Along the left menu are specific content items that will help you explore Constituent Hub.
Of course, please let us know when you have questions or are ready to discuss specifics of how Constituent Hub will integrate into your environment.
Scroll through the content or use the buttons below to jump to the item that interests you.
Constituent Hub – Quick Video Intro
Get a taste for the focus and scope of Constituent Hub.
Scroll to read the Are you really LEADING Change? whitepaper mentioned at the end of the video.
Are you really LEADING Change?
This white paper discusses the connection between your strategy and change adoption.
Click the cover below to open the whitepaper in a new tab.
Change Methodology
Will your change methodology work in Constituent Hub? This video describes the underlying change leadership methodology in Constituent Hub and it’s flexibility.
Click to play this 3:45 video.
Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ is focused on the type of questions you may have in the exploration process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Following are frequently asked questions about the nuts and bolts of Constituent Hub that come up during the evaluation process.
Who is the primary user of Constituent Hub?
The dedicated Change Leader for larger initiatives or the Project Manager for smaller ones basically has the Constituent Hub tab open in their browser all day long.
Executives access Constituent Hub to see progress and insights. A Constituent Hub Product Owner in your company is the main conduit to our firm Constituent Hub, LLC.
Specialty functional managers assigned to larger initiative activities like workflow design, communications, training, and change readiness will use Constituent Hub to facilitate their activities in Constituent Hub as well.
What is the onboarding process like?
User onboarding is accomplished through an online video training and certification process to help you ensure Constituent Hub users are aware of the change leadership techniques and system features.
Constituent Hub implementation is a change project as it integrates with the process your company uses for leading change. Usually we are integrating and improving at the same time. It’s a workflow design initiative too. Our team at Constituent Hub helps you with this starting with the Enterprise Onboarding Process.
We allow the equivalent of three days of interaction between a Constituent Hub Onboarding Specialist and you for the company onboarding process which can be accomplished in an onsite workshop format or facilitated via web conference in targeted sessions spread over a short time period.
In the Enterprise Onboarding Process there are some “get started” technical details:
- Defining your associates upload.
- Single Sign-on connection.
- Custom integration with your Change Project Demand process – data from upstream strategy and project demand systems can be fed into Constituent Hub to start change projects in the system.
- Other custom integration requirements.
After settling the technical details, tailoring for your company during the Enterprise Onboarding Process allows us to define terminology and match Constituent Hub processes to your processes. For example, to make it easy for Change Leaders to associate constituents with a particular process, a Constituent Hub feature called Constituent Reach is used. This feature is customized to match your organizational structure in order to facilitate analysis and reporting to evaluate the impact of changes across your workforce in a relatable way.
Additionally, we will work together to map your current change methodology and processes to the processes in Constituent Hub and build the appropriate bridges. Our processes map well with most methodologies. The key in onboarding is to make some decisions and choices that minimize disruption to the status-quo while enhancing it.
See the short video here.
Is Constituent Hub based on a particular methodology?
The basis of Constituent Hub is a proprietary change leadership methodology honed over years of large change implementation. However, when creating the system, it was a key priority that Constituent Hub be methodology agnostic for ultimate flexibility.
In the graphic below you will see a high-level picture of the processes in Constituent Hub. You will find most of these change activities in every change methodology. Of course, we have some very effective techniques for the Change Leader baked in too.
All of the functions of the Change Leader flow from what we call Change Leader User Stories. This allows the Change Leader and change executives to tailor what needs to be done uniquely for each change initiative based on complexity and your rules, while maintaining a consistency across the board. Unique techniques you have adopted are a new Change Leader User Story. Flexibility is built in.
See the short video here.
What is the technology stack relating to Constituent Hub?
Constituent Hub is a SaaS (software as a service) offering delivered via the Microsoft Azure Cloud.
Azure services active:
- Active Directory
- Azure App Service
- Cosmos DB
- SQL Database
- Function App
- Scheduler
- Event Grid
- Blob Storage
- Table Storage
Development Stack:
- Visual Studio Code
- Git Source Control
- JavaScript
- React Framework
- Jest
- NodeJS
Organizational Change Leadership Journey – Your Evaluation Point Score
This video describes the Constituent Hub Evaluation Point Scoring or EPS process that evaluates your current position in the Change Leadership Maturity Ladder and begins to build the roadmap for the journey to improve organization-wide Change Leadership Maturity.
Click to play this 2:18 video.
Implementation Process
This video provides an overview of the Constituent Hub implementation process.
Click to play this 1:34 video.
Constituent Hub Certification
Your users of Constituent Hub have access to a three level online certification process so you can be sure they are utilizing the system to it’s fullest.
Click to play this 4:00 video.
Grow Change Leadership Competency throughout your organization
Your underlying goal is to increase Change Leadership competency across your organization. This video delves into how you can lean on Constituent Hub to do just that.
Click to play this 5:39 video.
Change Communication
Effective Change Communication requires attention, process, and skill. The #1 complaint of constituents is poor communication. The keys are explored in this article.
Communicating change is one of the most misunderstood functions of change leadership.

Communication during an organizational change is the connective tissue between the strategy, the people leading the change and those affected by the change. The purpose of the communication is to assist those affected by the change to successfully perform their duties in the changed environment.
There are many facets to this communication:
- link the change to the strategy of the organization
- inform
- teach
- prepare
- allay fears
- respond to resistance
- call to action
- the list goes on
A few things to consider:
The Sergeants Carry the Message
As an employee, your direct supervisor is the most trusted communication source. Additionally, they naturally are communicating with our change constituents on a daily basis. Change communication should be primarily delivered by the supervisors that make the organization run. The actions of the change team must empower and equip these local communication experts for success.
Supply and Localize
The task of the change team is to supply communication information and assist in localizing the information for each constituent group. Global statements about the change are fine but listening and understanding occurs when the information is translated into how the change will affect things locally. For a large, long-term change implementation, communication content should be provided to managers and supervisors for delivery to their teams on a regular bi-weekly basis. If you line up these messages, they should tell a congruent story over time.
The Communication Plan is a Byproduct
Communication plans in the traditional sense (message, medium, date) are nice to have but are not the place to start. The communication task list is merely the result of a great communication approach. The communication plan is fueled by the analysis of change impact which matches specific change items with the constituents who will experience the change item. The impact on their work, and their reaction, determines the content of your communication.
What medium should be used for change communication – email, in-person, social media, video? The answer is all of them. The core message must be formatted for all the potential channels.
Your change communication should appear as a starburst with multiple tendrils reaching everyone in their own way and in their own language, providing specifics as needed. Like July 4th fireworks the crowd says “wow!” at the big explosion but the beauty is in the various colors and designs that expand and reach down over the entire crowd.
Tail Wagging the Dog
A good communication approach enforces a discipline. Very often, the promise made to communicate causes project activities to be completed. If we have the option of not communicating, it’s tempting to put off the work when things get difficult.
The communication approach also provides valuable feedback to the project team and often results in redesign that increases potential for success.
Constituent Hub
With Constituent Hub we know who is affected by our change. We can group these individuals in numerous ways in order to tailor communication messages. We can determine frequency and level of communication based on interest and impact – what we call the Communication Power Map. With Change Impact Analysis we identify changes and how our constituents will react to those changes. The communication needs are built into a plan that can be executed by the change team and communication experts. Communicating about more complex changes in a targeted way over time improves adoption.
Change Readiness
Employee Readiness is a crucial gate to going live with your change. But how do you do it effectively?

There are two main categories regarding change readiness:
- Overall Organization Readiness and,
- Constituent Readiness.
Let’s focus on Constituent Readiness.
In order to adopt a change, the constituent must be able to perform their key job function in the new environment.
The key to successful change leadership is to KNOW that each constituent can do their job in the changed environment BEFORE we implement the change.
Change Readiness, when you use Constituent Hub starts at the very beginning of the change initiative, or even before the start of your change initiative. Here’s what I mean.
At the company level we first identify Work Groups which are subsets of your organizational structure. An example of a Work Group might be the three people who do billing in the East region.
We can then define the critical job function(s) of each Work Group and cascade that information to each constituent in the group.
As you determine which constituents from the company level are affected by your change initiative this data comes with them.
Of course, if you don’t identify Work Groups and critical job functions at the company level you can do that at the specific change initiative level.
This is helpful information to have throughout the change initiative to assist you with Change Impact Analysis, Communication, Testing, and Training.
Training and Readiness
We are trying to determine if our constituents are READY to perform at a high level following the implementation of our change. Note that we are not simply saying they attended training or are trained. That’s something different. We want to know if they can do their jobs. This is a much higher standard.
The benefit of checking for actual readiness allows you to identify areas where additional or remedial training is needed and can be provided before a negative impact happens in front of our customers in a production environment.
This may be an adjustment in planning. Typically, any employee training ends as close to the day we go live as possible. The change readiness mindset requires some overlap to allow for additional training and support as necessary.
Testing Readiness
We must actually test the readiness of our constituents before implementing the change. It’s necessary to create some infrastructure that allows this readiness testing in the most realistic environment possible.
Readiness Targets
Here you have ultimate flexibility depending on the change. Strict readiness testing may only be performed for a select slice of your constituents – those affected most, for example.
You can determine the ratio of success for any population that provides an appropriate comfort level. For key financial measures for example, you may determine that 100% success in readiness testing is necessary. However, for a different function, say setting up a new account in a software package, only needs to be successfully completed by 80% of those constituents and we’d still be comfortable going forward.
Go/No Go
Before implementation a typical Go/No Go meeting takes place and going around the table we evaluate things like technology, security, financials and have hard numbers to determine we’re good to go. However, when we ask about the all-important workforce who must adopt the change the evaluation is much fuzzier.
With Constituent Hub an evaluation of your customized Change Readiness testing details can be used by all decision makers in the Go/No Go process. This tangible evaluation provides a greater comfort level and allows for a more targeted support plan following implementation.
Know you’re ready!
What about Agile?
Has the move from Waterfall projects to Agile projects considered Change Leadership activities?
Click to play this 4:28 video.
Thank you for viewing and spending time with the content here. We look forward to spending time with you and discussing more details.
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